Introducing Playtime quilt pattern

I would like to announce the release of my latest quilt pattern.

I’ve called this new design Playtime as its intended for a baby room. The finished quilt size is 38 x 50 inches and suitable for all skill levels.

This quilt design focuses on a large central print. As you’ll see, I’ve used a modern design fabric piece of an iconic Australian bird called a Kookaburra.

This fabric is from an Australian designer Saffron Craig, from her Banksia Bloom collection, the piece is called Kookaburra River. This fabric range is 100% organic cotton.

Playtime quilt pattern

Playtime quilt pattern

Bright orange flying geese are used to provide a distinctive contrast against the darker sections.

The reverse applies in the alternate quilt shown below to provide a different perspective.

Banksia quilting

Banksia quilting

I had some fun quilting the Kookaburra, click on the picture for a close-up view of the quilted feathers.
Kookaburra with quilted feathers

Kookaburra with quilted feathers

My Kookaburra themed quilt in an outdoor setting.
Playtime quilt

Playtime quilt

This pattern is suitable for any large print.

As you see in the adjacent picture I’ve made an alternate quilt using an African animal theme.

Playtime alternate quilt

Playtime alternate quilt

Additional details of this pattern are on the Playtime Quilt Pattern product page.

I hope you enjoy this new quilt design and feel the urge to give it a try…

Happy quilting,


Posted by Leslie