The pieced blocks also offer an option for creativity. The “chips” in this quilt use a free-form method of piecing. My alternate quilt raided the scrap basket to create large blocks of colour which are then cut down to size.
Enjoy going through your stash to locate just the right colour and texture for your fish!
Skill Level: new to intermediate, rotary cutting and basic sewing skills
Finished Quilt Sizes: 41 inches x 57 inches
Materials (provided by you):
- 1½yds (1.5m) for the fish background and “chip” block main colour. If you use the alternate method of using the scrap basket, you will only need 1 yard for the fish backgrounds.
- Fish scraps – the largest piece required is for the fish “A” bodies which take about a fat eighth
- 1yd (1m) alternate blocks
- ½yd (50cm) total of different solid (or read as solid) fabrics for “chips” (strips are 1-inch width – length can vary)
- ½yd (50cm) binding fabric
- 3yds (3m) backing fabric
- Batting 47 x 63 inches
- 1yd (1m) fusible web
The pattern has been test quilted to ensure accuracy.