Using Shiva Paintstiks in quilting

Add some color and texture to you next quilt project with Shiva Paintstiks

In 2017 I decided to enter a quilt in the Australian Quilts in Public Places (AQIPP) exhibition. The theme was “Reflections” – perfect! I immediately set into action an idea for a quilt which had been percolating for some time.

A lovely friend had given me a large piece of shiny, black, corded fabric. It was and remains a bit of a mystery fabric – it could be cotton, it could be silk, and it could be rayon or a combination. Anyway, it was shiny and textured – perfect for my needs as it reflected light.

The textured fabric used in my Luminous quilt
The textured fabric used in my Luminous quilt

I had also acquired a piece of fabric well suited as a template. It was a thick pseudo-suede fabric with lots of holes punched out to cover buttons. The holes were symmetrically punched. I laid my template over my fabric and I was ready to have a go with my Shiva Paintstiks!

My custom setup for applying the Shiva PaintStiks
My custom setup for applying the Shiva PaintStiks

It took a few days to get all of the circles filled in and several more to let the piece dry on my design wall.

Allow plenty of time for drying
Allow plenty of time for drying

I quilted using metallic and rayon threads to give the piece a more reflective surface. I also used a metallic Essex linen for the binding.

As you see, it is possible to get very creative when using the Shiva Paintstiks in your quilting projects.

Here is a link to an earlier post where I used the Paintstiks to create lines of kelp on my “Fish and Chips” quilt. >> Trio of quilts

In Luminous, I was very pleased with the final result! Hope you are too.


Luminous using Shiva Paintstiks
Luminous using Shiva PaintStiks

Like to find out more about Shiva Paintstiks?

There is a lot of information on the web about using Shiva Paintstiks. Tutorials, blog posts, YouTube videos – take your pick! Here are a couple of links to start…

Posted by Leslie

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