Category: Travel

One of the joys of retirement is the ability to travel. Often quilting and textiles is involved. Best of all its a lot of fun…

Cape Town
Early morning arrival in Cape Town

Cape Town Design Studio Tour

I was fortunate in having a friend to guide and drive me around Cape Town in search of local textiles. One inspiring stop was the factory for Carole Nevin Designs. Carole creates a range of wonderful hand printed or hand painted textiles.

A visit to Okan Arts Seattle
A visit to Okan Arts in Seattle

My Recent Quilting Adventures

I’m freshly returned from 6 weeks in the United States and have arrived home full of inspiration and bags full of fabric. ie. excess baggage…  I was there during the Presidential inauguration , but, my

Kyoto shrine

Journeys in Japan – fun with Indigo and Udon

Up to My Elbows in Indigo! After a fabric filled few days in Tokyo, for something different, we flew to Tokushima on the island of Shikoku to partake in a hands-on indigo dyeing experience. This

Mt Fuji

Journeys in Japan – Tokyo Quilt Festival

As part of my whirlwind of quilt shows this year, I am currently in Japan for the Tokyo Quilt Festival. Glen and I have been using the subway and train to get around the city

Simple Symmetry class

Houston Quilt Show Classes

Classes Galore at the 2014 Houston Quilt Show! When attending the Houston International Quilt Show this year, I signed up for seven classes! This seemed a little extreme but I figured I should take advantage

Visiting the 2014 Houston Quilt Show

International Quilt Festival Houston – the closest quilters can get to a religious experience! Everywhere I travel I am asked if I have been to Houston. Now I can say I have!!! And what a

Snowbirds quilt
Snowbirds is an easy pattern designed for large print fabric

Snowbirds Quilt Pattern now available

A new quilt design has hit the Quilting Fabrications website!   I designed Snowbirds for the large scale print that we fall in love with in the shops, then wonder what we are going to


Quilts from the European Patchwork Meeting

T he European Patchwork meeting displayed over 1000 quilts. I’d like to share some more pictures of these quilts for your enjoyment. Many quilts were very detailed or textured so for a closer view click