Confessions of a quilting scrapaholic

R ecently I have become engrossed with my scrap pile. This happens every so often when it outgrows its baskets and tries to escape. Scrap is like an alien being that multiplies until it threatens to take over my entire work area. Hence, it requires occasional culling.

Sound familiar?

A few years ago I culled by making a queen sized bed quilt. This time it has taken the form of several smaller projects.

My current obsession began when my sister-in-law asked for donation quilts for a group collecting for young refugee girls having babies. The request seemed simple – quilts about 1 meter square.

Even though I had several other things requiring my attention, when I got home that day I pulled out a few scraps I had left over from a baby quilt I had made for a friend.
My first baby quilt from scrap

My first baby quilt from scrap

Three baby quilts later, I had used up a few scraps and I was looking for the next scrap project.
Baby quilt number 2

Baby quilt number 2

Help is always at hand

Help is always at hand

The third baby quilt from scrap

The third baby quilt from scrap

Serendipitous…in walks Glen.

He needs a dust cover for a computer printer. Why use large pieces when I can use small pieces. I pulled pieces randomly from the basket and started sewing.

Voila! – a printer cover! (I think he’s a little sorry he asked)

Definitely one of a kind!

Unique printer dust cover

Unique printer dust cover

I also got stuck into making trivets. These things are downright addictive – I couldn’t stop…

All you need is a few scraps and some insulated batting, the result, some very colourful trivets!

It was a lot of fun, so I’m running a class soon at my local Quilt Guild.

Trivets from scrap

Trivets from scrap

Here’s my “Bushfire” quilt design made using scrap. The quilt it made using pink, red and orange scrap from my pile. This pattern is definitely a stash buster!

My Bushfire quilt pattern

My Bushfire quilt pattern

Coco and Ruby helped layer this quilt. Coco spread out the batting while Ruby held down the backing: They enjoyed themselves….
My assistants at work

My assistants at work

UPDATE:  I have found a new project to assist in reducing my scrap pile.  I’m doing the 100 blocks in 100 days challenge. I decided to use my scrap pile for all of the blocks.

It’s a lot of fun.  Check out my Instagram feed to see how I’m going.  ** Quilt top now completed – Dec 2017

100 blocks in 100 days

100 blocks in 100 days


As you can see from my pictures above, that are many useful ways to reduce the scrap pile. Of course as all quilter’s know, it will be back!!!

It maybe time for you to declare war on your scrap basket!


Posted by Leslie