Introducing Flower Power bed quilt pattern

The challenges of using large print fabrics in your quilts! December was the month to complete my new bed sized quilt pattern using Stephanie Brandenburg’s DayDreams III Flower Bomb fabric. This fabric is a riot of colour and a lot of fun to work into a quilt design. I found the main challenge was to

The challenges of using large print fabrics in your quilts!

December was the month to complete my new bed sized quilt pattern using Stephanie Brandenburg’s DayDreams III Flower Bomb fabric. This fabric is a riot of colour and a lot of fun to work into a quilt design.

I found the main challenge was to get enough floor space to layout and road test the various fabrics.

It also proved difficult to photograph because of the size so we settled on putting it on the bed. It really brightens up a bedroom.
What do you think of the result?

The body of the quilt is worked in 4 quadrants. Each is centred around one of the flower panels. Borders are then added to the sides, top and bottom. If you wanted a smaller quilt, you could make just one quadrant and add a border!

Flower Power quilt pattern

Flower Power quilt pattern

Our quality control at work – Ruby closely inspects the quilt for defects.
Ruby inspects the Flower Power quilt

Ruby closely inspects the Flower Power quilt

I then set about making an alternate colour way. I picked another large scale floral which I had on hand. I think this quilt has a very “retro” feel about it. It takes me back to the 1960’s. I had huge fluorescent flower stickers all over my violin case….

Anyway, this might give you more ideas about how you can use this pattern. There are loads of beautiful large scale prints out there.
Alternate quilt with "retro" fabric

Alternate quilt with “retro” fabric

Remember, don’t be afraid to experiment, the results may be stunning.
Close-up of alternate colorway

Close-up of alternate colourway

I really enjoyed working with these large prints. I hope you also like the results and may wish to try your own version.

For more information on Flower Power follow this link::  Flower Power quilt pattern

Until next time,


Posted by Leslie

  1. Leslie,
    Do you sell your floral bed quilt pattern?

    1. Hi Annette,

      Yes this pattern is available as a PDF download.
      Link -> Flower Power Quilt Pattern

      If you prefer its is also available on my Etsy shop.
      Link -> Quilting Fabrications @ Etsy


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