Pacific International Quilt Festival 2013 – part 2

D ay 2 of the show, my sister Ellen and I attended the exhibition and the Vendor hall.
As with the European Festival, this one has quilts from around the world. However, the exhibition is contained within one building so there is no traveling between different venues.
We’ve done this together before so we have our cunning plan perfected (it does get crowded). We arrive early and always rush to the end of the exhibition where there are few people and work our way forward. This allowed us to view at least half of the 1,000 quilts without a crowd.

Here are a few of my favorites:

The smaller branches in this quilt were done using satin stitch.

As you can see from the second photo, the stitching shows the blue on the red backing providing a striking effect.

Let's start with some color

Let’s start with some color

The reverse view showing off the stitching

The reverse view showing off the stitching

I’m always attracted to these bright colors. This quilt from Great Britain was interesting in the contrasting shapes it uses.
Love the color selection used on this quilt

Love the color selection used on this quilt

This submission from New Zealand had fabulous detail. The borders use a weaving technique. The blocks are all three dimensional.
A New Zealand quilt

A New Zealand quilt

Close-up showing the great detail

Close-up showing the great detail

I loved this quilt made entirely from zippers. How creative!
A quilt from zippers!!

A quilt from zippers!!

What’s a quilt show without a cat quilt? In this case Grumpy Cat of Youtube fame!
Grumpy Cat in a quilt - not on it!!!

Grumpy Cat in a quilt – not on it!!!

I think this was my favourite of the entire show. Appears simple but is full of clever detail.
My favorite quilt from the show

My favourite quilt from the show

Look at the detail of the trees

Look at the detail of the trees

The vendor hall is intertwined with the some exhibition quilts. We had a good time browsing through the large number of vendor stalls.
Did I buy anything? Well…….
A moment of weakness...

A moment of weakness…

And to finish off, this is a prize winner in the wearable art category.

I can tell you now, I’m not wearing it!!!!

Wearable art for the summer season!

Wearable art for the summer season!

All up, another good Pacific International. Well worth a visit if your seeking inspiration.

until next time,

Posted by Leslie