Tropical light can inspire quilt designs

Tropical light – another source of inspiration in quilt fabric selection!

Inspiration takes many forms. Glen and I recently took a week off and flew to Port Douglas in tropical Far North Queensland for a bit of R & R.

Moving from a temperate climate to a tropical climate, it is striking how different the colour palette is in a different environment. Tropical light, whether it’s early morning or late afternoon presents a unique colour palette not found elsewhere.

To illustrate, here are a few pictures of typical vegetation found in this region that provide a sense of the vibrant colours.

At times the light varies to produce vivid colours on the foliage.
Typical tropical vegetation

Typical tropical vegetation

The interesting shape and texture of the leaves gave me some ideas for future designs.
Tropical leaf pattern

Interesting leaf pattern

In this picture, I particularly like the foreground colours against the grey and cream backgrounds.
Tropical plants4

Vegetation against a dark grey background

I spent a lot of time in the pool and came up with a palette I would like to use in a quilt. Here are some views from around the pool.

I particularly like the way greens, reds and orange work with the grey background in these pictures.

Poolside morning light

Poolside morning light

Tropical Plants2

I love orange against the background

When I arrived home I was inspired to start pulling out fabric to reflect a tropical colour palette. This is the result – what do you think?
Next step is to design a new quilt pattern that shows these fabrics off. I have some ideas for a new design!
My tropical fabric options

My “palette” of tropical inspired fabrics

While we were away, colour consultants, Coco and Ruby, vacationed at the cattery. They were not impressed. I’m happy to say they have now forgiven us for our treachery and are back at work in the studio.
Back at work

Coco and Ruby are back at work

Some more blogs shortly,


Posted by Leslie

  1. Love the palette swatches Leslie … and Coco and Ruby are so beautiful!

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