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Blog post

Ice dyeing workshops with Leslie Edwards
Ice dyeing fabric produces amazing colours...

Let’s try some Ice Dyeing

One of my favourite techniques is Ice Dyeing. You don’t need a lot of different materials to try Ice Dyeing, most are readily available. Glen and I always take a break to go to our

The Village draped over the divider

The Village Quilt Pattern released

M y latest quilt design, The Village is now available on the Quilting Fabrications website!   The Village pattern combines paper piecing, traditional piecing and fusible web in a modern take on the row quilt.

Desert Dreaming quilt

Desert Dreaming Quilt Pattern now published

M y latest quilt design, Desert Dreaming, has hit the Quilting Fabrications website! Best summed up as, once again seduced by a piece of fabric! When I saw the Australian fabric, Terra Australis by Ella

Snowbirds quilt
Snowbirds is an easy pattern designed for large print fabric

Snowbirds Quilt Pattern now available

A new quilt design has hit the Quilting Fabrications website!   I designed Snowbirds for the large scale print that we fall in love with in the shops, then wonder what we are going to


Quilts from the European Patchwork Meeting

T he European Patchwork meeting displayed over 1000 quilts. I’d like to share some more pictures of these quilts for your enjoyment. Many quilts were very detailed or textured so for a closer view click

Bushfire quilt
My new quilt pattern "Bushfire" is now available

Bushfire Quilt Pattern now available

M y latest quilt design “Bushfire” is now available for immediate download. I’m pleased to say the scrappy quilt I mentioned in my last Blog is now available in my shop. As you will see

PIQF 2013

Pacific International Quilt Festival 2013 – part 2

D ay 2 of the show, my sister Ellen and I attended the exhibition and the Vendor hall. As with the European Festival, this one has quilts from around the world. However, the exhibition is

PIQF "fusing" class

Adventures at Pacific International Quilt Festival 2013

A s part of my world quilting expedition, in mid-October, I attended the Pacific International Quilt Festival in Santa Clara, California with my sister. This year we decided to take a class on Day 1