Welcome to my Quilting Fabrications blog!

Welcome to my Quilting Fabrications blog!

With this blog I would like to discuss all things quilting. I started quilting about 20 years ago and have been sewing for many more. With quilting I found a creative outlet that let me express myself in color and texture in a myriad of ways. After filling my house (and the houses of friends and family) I have decided to take the leap and design quilts as a business.

[dropcap style=”font-size: 50px; color: #ff6600;”]W [/dropcap] elcome to my Quilting Fabrications blog!
With this blog I would like to discuss all things quilting. I started quilting about 20 years ago and have been sewing for many more. With quilting I found a creative outlet that let me express myself in color and texture in a myriad of ways. After filling my house (and the houses of friends and family) I have decided to take the leap and design quilts as a business.
This is a big leap from my working life as a Business Analyst but it somehow feels like I’ve landed in the right place. I am supported in this new venture by my husband, Glen. He has been enthusiastically building my website and publishing my patterns. He is bound to figure in this blog on occasion.

I am also joined, every time I pull out the fabric or start the sewing machine, by my two kittens (10 month old sisters) Coco and Ruby.

Coco the kitten

Coco “selecting” the binding fabric

[/one_half] [one_half_last] Coco comments on every finished quilt as you can see below when I was choosing a binding fabric for the alternate version of Flight of Fancy:[/one_half_last] [one_half]
Coco wakes up

Coco wakes up

[/one_half] [one_half_last] She also loves when I bind quilts[/one_half_last] [one_half]
Ruby sorting fabric

Ruby sorting fabric

[/one_half] [one_half_last] Ruby is more of a process driven cat. She is always there when I audition fabric on the floor[/one_half_last]

 As you can see I am in love with my cats. A day doesn’t go by without them making me laugh. They will feature prominently in this blog.

Bye for now – Leslie

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Posted by Leslie

  1. Hi Leslie…good luck with your new venture and I look forward to seeing more of Coco and Ruby’s adventures and of course more of you wonderful quilts …hugs LindaB


  2. Leslie You clearly have an eye for color and pattern, good luck with the patterns.


  3. Hi Leslie, Congrats to you and Glen for all your hard work getting Quilting Fabrications up and running. The site looks good … colourful and informative. Glad to see you’ve introduced Coco and Ruby too … looks like they thoroughly approve of your new undertaking. Truly wish you all the best with this venture. Sandra


  4. Well done Leslie!! I like the site and your patterns very much. Really enjoy your color/design combinations. Coco and Ruby offcourse are the highlight. Glad to know they approve of your work!!
    Good luck to you and Glen with this endeavour! It was long due.


  5. Good luck Leslie and Glen in your new venture! As the lucky recipients of two of your beautiful quilts, we are happy to see you passing on your unique designs to others who will get much joy from them.


  6. Well done Leslie your website looks great and easy to follow. Love your business name, your dialogue is informative and your pattern photos etc have come up really well and good luck with this new venture . Lee


  7. Congratulations Leslie. As the proud owner of two of your beautiful, amazing quilt creations, we are so pleased you’re now sharing them with the world … with help, of course, from Coco and Ruby (and Glen)


  8. kathie Page-Robertson June 6, 2013 at 11:08 am

    Have finally got to look at your blog – congratulations Leslie it’s very inspiring. MPPI are truly looking forward to your visit on Monday and the show n tell of your exciting work, as well as catching up again.


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